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Wednesday, 13 July 2005
Google and the internet fascists
Topic: ER history
For those who are not aware of it, i have been fighting internet censureship by all these little PC-nazis with a site for over two years, and i even have a blogring dedicated to the FIRST Amendment on Xanga, but the machinations of the pseuber-liberals has only recently come to my attention!!!

i was just banned for using the term Republiscum on a fourm at absolutewrite.com which was where you were allegedly allowed to post "your mamma" jokes, but i guess it's verboten to poke fun at the Reich-wing!!!

allaboutjazz.com has deleted my posts because as a BLACK MAN, i had the audacity to point out that whilst many volk claim to not use the dreaded "N" word, they sure be thinking it...guess Dave Chappelle won't be posting there any time soon.

Shaycom Corporation and their Blogit scam was what started my fight againt these internet nazis, which eventually led to the discovery of kuro5hin.org, which is perhaps the ultimate PC nazi haven on the internet!!!

Most of you didn't notice that after the Google IPO Google took a cuntservative Reich-wing turn, but THAT became evident to me when i tried to register a FUCK Comcast blog on the Google Beta groups, despite the fact that Google has 222,000 "results" for that phrase listed as of this writing.

Posted by eminemsrevenge at 1:36 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 13 July 2005 2:06 PM EDT

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