Topic: Work in Progress
From a Reich-winger--- Absolutely a great day outside. With Rosh Hashanah tomorrow (no classes), got the chance to kick back in the sun and begin "JewGirl." Gone through about a third of it so far, and it's better than most of the stuff I read back at Columbia during our "Core curriculum" courses. I don't know, maybe because this book's more visceral and up-to-date than most of the dainty ethereal stuff written by authors who have been long dead for decades, centuries or even millenia. Jew Girl explores the post-9/11 culture in NYC, along with insights into various hoi polloi that make the city what it is. There's this kid the reoccurs throughout the book that has a Giants Kerry Collins jersey rather than the hip "Shockmeister" #80 jersey most kids wear these days. I'm not sure if he's suppose to represent the innocence that sees through all the "politricks" that's been going on since that Tuesday morning. It's an entertaining read, unless you're completely stuck up or absolutely abhor political incorrectness. Some of it is raunchy, but what the fuck, so is life. Interesting line, "'In Bush We Trust' was preternaturally stamped on their small souls." I don't know I thought that was fucking hilarious. A senior in high school he is...
Posted by eminemsrevenge
at 2:51 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 4 October 2005 2:52 PM EDT