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Wednesday, 29 March 2006
The Master Race Awakes...
Topic: Fourth Reich Blues

For those of you who want a collection of all the new anti-immigration stories not just in this country, but worldwide, CLICK THIS LINK if you want to see the not-so NEW world order.

Posted by eminemsrevenge at 6:43 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 29 March 2006 6:47 PM EST
Thursday, 2 March 2006
The NEXT EminemsRevenge book...
Topic: Work in Progress
There is no god but Allah
who has never begotten a son...

and no sooner had I said that I found myself writhing on the floor like Malcolm at the Audubon three years previously.
I remember one of the vets telling me that if you could hear the gunshots then chances are you would live, but the searing pain in my chest now made me doubt the sagacity of that statement as I felt the life ooze out of me!
"Stay with me Hippie Boy," I heard DJ say to me from almost a thousand miles away.
The shiny black face of my deacon who had the improbable name of Dedalus Jones had a worried expression on his usually sunny face, yet it still seemed to be pulling me up from the dark tunnel I was plunging through.
"C'mon Stephen, stay with me Hippie Boy...help is on the way..."
I smiled at this gentle giant whom my parishioners loved calling Deacon Jones, who was an inch taller and at least ten pounds heavier than the Los Angels Rams future Hall of Fame defensive end. While most of my congregation would more than likely compare him to Willis Reed, who could have almost been his twin brother, there was a feeling of expectancy amongst my congregants who hated the green-and-white of the Boston Garden basketballers but now seemed to be preternaturally falling in love with the Namath-led gridironers who bore the same colours that played in the shadow of LaGuardia Airport–even though the Jets were now 3-2 after last week's lost to the Denver Broncos.
It's funny that as I now entertained thoughts of meeting my maker all I could think of is whether the Jets could beat the Oilers later today, and I guess a smile broke through the pain as I recollected the former Titans of Queens beating the Boston Patriots in the town where Martin Luther King wrote his letters from jail that became a book. Yeah, it was probably the I-have-a-dream preacher combined with Owsley's "Purple Haze" that led to my calling...although I'm sure Jimi had a lot to do with it too...

Posted by eminemsrevenge at 3:05 PM EST
Friday, 10 February 2006
ONE book sold!!!
Topic: Work in Progress
This site is seldom visited...so i don't expect it to generate any sales for Jew Girl.....

While i DO believe that this book is a classic, Y'ALL have relugated it into the nethersphere of the INCONSEQUENTIAL...but like Patti said---

I will never faint, I will never faint
They laugh and they expect me to faint but I will never faint
I refuse to lose, I refuse to fall down
Because you see it's the monotony that's got to me
Every afternoon like the last one
Every afternoon like a rerun next to Dot Hook
And yeah we look the same
Both pumpin' steel, both sweatin'
But you know she got nothin' to hide
And I got something to hide here called desire
I got something to hide here called desire
And I will get out of here
You know the fiery potion is just about to come
In my nose is the taste of sugar
And I got nothin' to hide here save desire
And I'm gonna go, I'm gonna get out of here

Watch me now.......

Posted by eminemsrevenge at 3:30 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 10 February 2006 3:35 PM EST
Wednesday, 1 February 2006
Chaunce Hayden eats shit
Just in case you haven't heard what the publisher of "Steppin' Out" magazine has done, GO HERE to see the defamation that him and Fox "news" are spouting RE: Howard Stern!!!

Sirius and the king of all media WILL prevail despite the libelous campaign.

Posted by eminemsrevenge at 6:52 PM EST
Tuesday, 27 December 2005
sharebuilder.com SCAMMING small investors
Now Playing: Sirius Right
Topic: Voodoo Economics 101
I am sure many of you have seen the ads for [b]sharebuilder.com['b], and for $4 a transaction it SEEMS the best deal on the internet...but what happens when you need the money???

It COST me $16 to sell this morning, so i'm $20 in the hole on that transaction, but HERE COMES THE KICKER---it takes THREE DAYS before MY money is available, and $14 more if i want it in my bank account by Monday morning!!! So unless you bought Google on the first day, you're out $34.

According to the phone help @ sharebuilder.com, THIS is an SEC REGULATION...so the small time investor is in essence PAYING FOR THE RICH people's ability to buy and sell as is their whim. Don't invest in sharebuilder.com unless you have REALLY disposable income.
MORE on this story as it develops...WAITING to hear from the SEC!!!

Posted by eminemsrevenge at 1:13 PM EST
Friday, 4 November 2005
A letter from the front...
Another day here in Iraq. It's already been devastating for many of us here.
It's difficult because we aren't allowed to speak about what goes on with our
families for fear that someone else may be monitoring everything we say and
When you were told I would change I want you to know that the change may
actually be good for me...I think of you and Lori and my heart swells, wanting
to hug you. I haven't felt that way in awhile. I think taking care of the
family and my own personal issues jaded me from thinking and loving you guys the
way I should. Well, just so you know.
Things are ok. I would love some books, the kind you know I like! All we have
here is a whole bunch of cheesy Harlequin romance type stuff. And magazines,
you know how I love magazines. Mama, could you send me a nice pillow? I don't
have one and my neck and shoulders are killing me! We have a luxury here in the
EMT (that's Army speak for ER) a stove! The interpeters bring us things like
eggs from the economy to bake with etc. I could use those flavored creams, no
one here has half and half! I would even love the half and half that doesn't
need to be in the fridge. Anything easy that young people like. A lot of the
soldiers come in from the field and haven't eaten so we would like stuff to be
able to make for them thats easy and reminds them of home. Also, we cut off a
lot of soldiers clothes and then they don't have anything else to wear, so we're
asking for Dollar Store/WalMart type packages of underware, socks, tshirts,
shorts, you get the idea.

Posted by eminemsrevenge at 11:24 AM EST
Tuesday, 4 October 2005
Wonders never cease!!!
Topic: Work in Progress
From a Reich-winger---

http://www.xanga.com/andykoom Absolutely a great day outside. With Rosh Hashanah tomorrow (no classes), got the chance to kick back in the sun and begin "JewGirl." Gone through about a third of it so far, and it's better than most of the stuff I read back at Columbia during our "Core curriculum" courses. I don't know, maybe because this book's more visceral and up-to-date than most of the dainty ethereal stuff written by authors who have been long dead for decades, centuries or even millenia. Jew Girl explores the post-9/11 culture in NYC, along with insights into various hoi polloi that make the city what it is. There's this kid the reoccurs throughout the book that has a Giants Kerry Collins jersey rather than the hip "Shockmeister" #80 jersey most kids wear these days. I'm not sure if he's suppose to represent the innocence that sees through all the "politricks" that's been going on since that Tuesday morning. It's an entertaining read, unless you're completely stuck up or absolutely abhor political incorrectness. Some of it is raunchy, but what the fuck, so is life. Interesting line, "'In Bush We Trust' was preternaturally stamped on their small souls." I don't know I thought that was fucking hilarious. A senior in high school he is...

Posted by eminemsrevenge at 2:51 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 4 October 2005 2:52 PM EDT
Friday, 26 August 2005
Jew Girl a week away???
Topic: Work in Progress
The long awaited Jew Girl should be available at eminemsrevenge.com in about a week, but as with everything ER, there are still controversies going on behind the scenes!!!

POD t-shirt publisher zazzle.com has closed their doors to your's truly...another example of PC-naziism???

Having just found out that Google has a set-up for POD books, it will be interesting to see how they react, since Google appears to be already at war with me.

Can something with the humour of Eminem and Funkadelic, the street savvy of 2Pac and Public Enemy, and the theological chutzpah of Malcolm X break thru in Amerikkka today as the chickenhawks get ready to final solutionize all opposition to their Reich-wing 'christianity'???

Only time will tell...and whether or not i can succeed in pulling off a 2 Live Crew remains to be seen.

Posted by eminemsrevenge at 1:43 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 26 August 2005 1:55 PM EDT
Wednesday, 13 July 2005
Google and the internet fascists
Topic: ER history
For those who are not aware of it, i have been fighting internet censureship by all these little PC-nazis with a site for over two years, and i even have a blogring dedicated to the FIRST Amendment on Xanga, but the machinations of the pseuber-liberals has only recently come to my attention!!!

i was just banned for using the term Republiscum on a fourm at absolutewrite.com which was where you were allegedly allowed to post "your mamma" jokes, but i guess it's verboten to poke fun at the Reich-wing!!!

allaboutjazz.com has deleted my posts because as a BLACK MAN, i had the audacity to point out that whilst many volk claim to not use the dreaded "N" word, they sure be thinking it...guess Dave Chappelle won't be posting there any time soon.

Shaycom Corporation and their Blogit scam was what started my fight againt these internet nazis, which eventually led to the discovery of kuro5hin.org, which is perhaps the ultimate PC nazi haven on the internet!!!

Most of you didn't notice that after the Google IPO Google took a cuntservative Reich-wing turn, but THAT became evident to me when i tried to register a FUCK Comcast blog on the Google Beta groups, despite the fact that Google has 222,000 "results" for that phrase listed as of this writing.

Posted by eminemsrevenge at 1:36 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 13 July 2005 2:06 PM EDT
Sunday, 26 June 2005

Topic: Dittohead Dogma
Just in case you were stupid enough to think your government actually gives a fuck about your dumb ass, you really should read this link. And for those Asian brothers who are bananas thinking they're part of Amerikkka...

Taiwan government rapped for policy on US beef imports amid mad cow fears Sun Jun 26, 3:18 PM ET

TAIPEI (AFP) - Opposition politicians criticised the Taiwanese government's decision in April to lift a ban on US beef imports, after authorities reimposed the ban over the weekend following the discovery of a new US case of mad cow disease.

Taiwan reimposed the ban on Saturday but US beef which had been imported since April was not removed from sale.

The health department on April 16 had partially lifted the ban imposed in December 2003 after deciding that safety concerns had been alleviated. It allowed non-minced beef from cows aged 30 months or younger if high-risk parts such as brains and spinal cords have been removed.

"Unless the problem is properly solved, the budget of the Department of Health would be frozen," an angry Tsai Sheng-chia, legislator from the opposition People First Party, told reporters.

"We demand the Executive Yuan (Taiwan's cabinet) unveil the meetings and records regarding the lifting of the ban on US beef imports," said Chin Hui-chu, an official with the party's caucus in parliament.

A group of opposition parliamentarians had said they suspect politics was involved in the issue.

The United States was Taiwan's third largest beef supplier, selling some 14,000 tonnes or 55 million US dollars' worth of beef in 2002 and 19,225 tonnes worth 76.5 million dollars in 2003.

Taiwan has banned beef imports from 22 other countries where cases of bovine spongiform encephalopathy or mad cow disease have been reported.

Beef affected by mad cow disease is feared to cause in humans a variant of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, which has claimed more than 140 lives.

Posted by eminemsrevenge at 6:54 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 26 June 2005 6:59 PM EDT

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