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Sunday, 9 January 2005
The reincarnation of revolt
Topic: kayla's korner

Link to Photo Album ER pictures The clown hat should be mine...although it's not really a clown hat Kayla is wearing. Maybe it was synchronicity that i left Xanga on the 35th anniversary of All My Children, maybe it was the shallow response i saw Xangans exhibit towards the tsunami relief fund that was started by http://www.xanga.com/AmelieBella Or maybe i just outgrew the parochial confines of the xangafuckers!!! This TRIPOD thing is big, and while most of the stuff i wrote on Xanga was mental masturbations, a few pieces were worth worldwide exposure, which i can get here. Of course, i know as much about HTML and all that computing stuff as Mike Tyson knows about physics, which is why Kayla will be my guide, i hope, through all the technical stuff on here, and my site will eventually look good. Check out the stuff on the left, Topic by Entries, and you'll see that it already archives your posts by topics, if you want it. I already got TWO in football, and if you check them out you'll see that the pictures are a lot bigger than Xanga. Besides having a meta-tag section which open up your site to a whole lot of search engine possibilities, ANYONE can comment on your site, so you're not relegated to the insular inbred feel of Xanga. NOW i can post shit on http://www.drudge.com and THEY can post comments on MY site, not to mention all the people who read me that are non-Xanga!!! Malcom X said revolution is about acquiring land, well i'm gonna create my own little land here at Tripod, and hope some of you will join. Sure, there aren't any silly emoticunts, although there might be, as i said i'm almost completely computer illiterate!!! Gonna get in touch with BOOOOYA and see if he's willing to swing the whole BXU crowd over here...what better place for banned Xangans that a whole other blogging community, and for the entrepreneurs amongst you, you can actually put up a free web site which looks pretty awesome...i had initially tried that, but couldn't figure out how to link it to the blogging secton:( SO...with Kayla's help, ER is about to go global. Can Amerikkka handle it???

Posted by eminemsrevenge at 9:39 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 10 January 2005 11:50 PM EST

Sunday, 9 January 2005 - 2:50 PM EST

Name: juliannalegini
Home Page: http://www.xanga.com/bithabites

im so very glad you didn't disappear altogether! it looks like this site is better suited to your style of posting although i still haven't figured it all out. i'm guessing this is what you meant when you said your posts will be getting more serious?? looks really good and i'm sure it will only get better. thank gawd for people like Kayla! just..please... try not to warp her mind..she looks awful young! haha! i signed up as well (for the free stuff) it will be nice to have a blog that sticks to politricks.. i'll try to keep up! missed your words..thanks for letting me find you..now then...bring on the right-wingers!!

Tuesday, 11 January 2005 - 3:53 PM EST

Name: snugglybunnie69

actually, its a wendy's milkshake cup

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