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Sunday, 9 January 2005
IMAGINE...i got banned from the Stern Bulletin Board!!!
Now Playing: Punking Packers vs the Indoor Vikings
Topic: ER history
THIS is from the pirate Stern bulletin board---

Announcements in Forum: Sports & Cooking


Reply Options

11-22-2004 until 12-23-2008

[*] Post whatever you want and don't get offended like a pansy.

[*] Don't be a dick to the people that run the site.

[*] Don't post SPAM. That means no free ipods, no links to your porn affiliate site, etc, etc. You know what it means. Don't do it. You will get perma-banned.

[*] No pics of dead dogs. I hate that.

[*] Don't post images that are purposefully too wide for the screen in order to break the threads.

[*] If someone bothers you, put them on ignore. You won't ever see them and they will not be able to post in your threads.

The HSBB is now part of Stern lore...but if HE had used these simple rules it would still be on the 'net!!!

i agree with those terms, except for maybe the dead dogs part...nothing as yummy looking as a decapitated puppy, maggots crawling out its eye sockets, and wino puke all over its body...kidding.

Yeah, i wanna bring back the anarchy to the internet, but Mara just informed me there ain't no porn allowed here, so i guess i'll have to work PG-13!!! That's cool, since this is gonna be devoted more to politricks and social observances than shock photos...but i'd still like to get a picture of Condi giving it to GW with a strap-on.

Posted by eminemsrevenge at 5:21 PM EST

Monday, 10 January 2005 - 12:41 AM EST

Name: snugglybunnie69
Home Page: http://snugglybunnie69.tripod.com/

Hey. I had to make a different one, so here it is. Im still trying to make it cool. :) Leave a comment...i dont know anyone else on here.

Monday, 10 January 2005 - 11:48 AM EST

Name: Julie
Home Page: http://www.xanga.com/bithabites

i doubt she'd need a strap on i think she may have one of her own.. she does look rather "man-ish" ya know..

i wanted to ask you...is there a difference between the different satellite radio companies?? do they all broadcast the same channels??

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