Now Playing: Lynn Samuels, of course!!!
Topic: Work in Progress
Okay...been Xangafucked!!!
While i was listening to Lynn Samuels this morning, i received a call telling me NOT to post shit from my novel because it could be stolen from someone reading it off of my site!!!
LIKE Lynn Samuels i'm a fucking original...i CAN post 2,999 pages in a 3,000 page novel and motherfuckers will STILL not be able to tell that i wasn't the original author!!! SHE also introduced ME to Eminem!!!, and since we're BOTH New Yawk...we CAN NOT be easily imtimiduplicated!!!!
The glossary below is REQUIRED if you wanna understand my "Work in Progress," and half the shit i write
Glossary of words & phrases
ahavat olam eternal love
amor vincit omnia, in aeternum love conquers all things , forever
apikorism the denial of the tenets of faith such as the existence of God, revelation, and resurrection by Jews who are educated in Judaism
Aufruf an die Kulturwelt appeal to the civilized world
"Auslander Raus!" "Out with Foreigners!"
ave atque vale hail and farewell
Bildungsroman `formation-novel,' `development-novel,' `education-novel'
caoine keening, wailing
cauchemar nightmare
cheval de bataille war horse; argument constantly relied on; favourite subject
der Geist der stets vernient the spirit that ever denies--originally applied to Mephistopheles
Deus vult God wills it [rallying cry of the first Crusade]
dum vivimus vivamus while we live, let us live
eadem mutata resurgio I arise the same, changed
ecrasez l'infame crush the infamous thing
enfant cheri loved or pampered child
enfants perdus lost children
epikorsut heresy
Eshu messenger god
Eurycleia Odysseus' nurse from childhood
facilis descensus Averni the road to evil is easy
felix culpa [original sin in comparison to the coming of Jesus] fortunate fault
fiabrhas fever
gadlut greatness
Gefahrliche Politische Brandstiftung "dangerous political incendiarism"
Gemienshaft self-contained community
gemischt racially mixed
gloriam glory
gonif thief
helotic of or pertaining to serfs
heshbon hanefesh soul searching
hierosgamos sacred or spiritual marriage
hillul hashem a desecration of the name of the Almighty
homme d'affaires man of business
Ich verstehe die Welt mer! I understand the world no longer
in aeternum forever
introibo ad altare Deam I will go to the altar of the goddess
itkafia assumption that evil is a reality to be conquered, even though theoretically it is a mere illusion
joile laide woman who is attractive, although not conventionally pretty
kalipedia study of beauty
kefirah heresy
kelipot empty shells
kitrug accusatory campaign
kvetch complain, nag
lacrimae rerum tears for things; pity for misfortune
Lethe one of the rivers of Hades, associated with forgetfulness
lubras aborigine women
lusus naturae freak of nature
melamed zekhut one who finds the good in others
merde shit
metanoia rebirth of the spirit
mitzpah commandment
Mohenjo-daro City of the Dead
monumentum aere perennius a monument more lasting than bronze
nebulo quidam good-for-nothing fellow
obscurum per obscurious (explaining) the obscure by means of the more obscure
oderint dum metuant let them hate, so long as they fear
olam tikkun repair of the world
paskudniak shitbag
pleroma (Gnostic term) the spiritual realm transcending consciousness
quous Dei vult perdere prius dementat those whom God wishes to destroy he first drives mad
Reichsgericht Reich Court
sancta simplicitas holy simplicity (often used ironically)
scortatory illicit, fornicatory
sefirot rays of splendor which connect us and our world to the divine
Selbstbeschmutzer roughly, someone who shits on their own doorstep
semper paratus always ready
shiktsa female goy
sic itur ad astra thus one goes to the stars; such is the way to immortality
si vis pacem, para bellum if you wish peace, prepare for war
somnia a Deo missa dreams sent by God
Sonderkommando Jews who helped move dead bodies out of the gas chambers into the crematoria
Sturmabteilung storm troopers (the SA)
Sultefjell Starvation Hill
talmud torah lishman the study of Torah for its own sake
theodicy the effort to justify YHWH in the presence of evil in the world
tempus edax rerum time, that devours all things
teshuva repentance
terribilia meditans meditating on terrible things
Todesmuhlen Death Mills
Vernichtung annihilation
yenuka child prodigy who surprisingly proves to possess mythical revelation
yetzer hara the evil inclination within every one of us
yihud mystical formula
zaddik "righteous one," a spiritual leader
Posted by eminemsrevenge
at 2:52 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 12 January 2005 4:37 PM EST