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Thursday, 20 January 2005
The Bush Coronation
Topic: All My Children

Long after Fox News stopped talking incessantly about the "war" in Iraq, ABC News was doing a bad impersonation of CNN as they covered Pentagon press briefings and other insignificant proceedings coming out of the Bush White House.

For fans on All My Children, many of our viewing days were interrupted as this feckless reporting by the hairsprayed anchormen at the Disney network tried in vain to get some of the credibility they had an eon ago when Nightline debuted.

i can understand why they broadcasted today's coronation, but i do hope that Reichkanzler Bush will consider the timing of these events in the future, as he broadens his crusade against Islam.

People who watch soap operas generally don't give a fuck about anything that can't fit into a sound-bite on the evening news. i am one of the few exceptions, but i still have been sorely perturbed by these meaningless attempts of ABC News where they pretend that Peter Jennings might be a second coming of Edward R. Murrow.

What i just saw in place of my soap opera, the post-inaugural parade here on the West Coast...made absolutely no sense whatsoever.

The protestors, who will later be vilified on Fox News, were mentioned in passing by Jennings. He insincerely spoke of their constitutional right to protest, but it was a hollow nod to the half of the electorate that voted against Herr Bush.

The kind of reporting one saw during the 1968 Democratic convention and the Viet Nam (as it was then spelt) war is part of the distance past, yet ABC/Disney is still trying to act like they are real newsmen!!!

ABC/Disney lost all credibility as a hard-news orginization when they summarily got rid of Lynn Samuels at their New York City radio station, and it is time that someone inform the mice at ABC/Disney that their network "news" coverage is farcial at best.

Quit trying to act like CNN and let people watch their AMC!!!

Posted by eminemsrevenge at 3:50 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 20 January 2005 4:30 PM EST

Friday, 21 January 2005 - 5:23 AM EST

Name: Heather
Home Page: http://www.xanga.com/bunnyfun

To shadowyn On behalf of Non_Featured_Content

I think if you are going to bash on people's sites or blogrings you should choose better. There are some awful people on xanga and they are going against the xanga terms of use completely. People like Venus_Observa and Boooya have not. I am sure you think You can debate that, but they haven't at all in my eyes. People like "ni99erhatin" is someone that should have had her site shutdown along time ago. I know I informed xanga of this user and They ignored me, but they attack people who have material on their sites which shouldn't be viewed by children... Let me remind you that You also have to check a box that says You are not a child when you sign up. 13+ yearolds have seen naked people in movies, in sex Ed class, and in the mirror. Protecting them from porn on xanga is ridiculous since you can find much vulgar material on google by searching the word "blah." (you may get a picture of Brad Pitt naked.)
Xanga even allows Blogrings dedicated to Racism.
Busting Up Queers Day and Night, KKK white is right, White Models USA, White Power, Whites Only, Nigger Beaters, and KKK we gonna kill the niggers are some examples of them. I would think that removing those blogrings would be a higher priority than removing people from Featured Content, which often had really lame people on it, and now mostly has only lame people on it. People who post a picture of their cat and say "aww. so cute." and get on featured content..... (it boggles the mind why anybody would care.) People who have actual things to say are banned from it. If you actually read some of these people's sites who are banned you would see that most of them are very sweet and extremely intelligent people, who have a lot to say. Plus they are very entertaining, unlike a lot of the other people who somehow get enough eprops to be featured.

Well, that was an essay. I just felt that you assumptions were unfair and unresearched.
Posted 1/21/2005 at 3:10 AM by BunnyFun

Friday, 21 January 2005 - 3:58 PM EST

Name: kayla
Home Page: http://snugglybunnie69

i wish i could play guitar :) but i know i suck so i will just stay with the drums :P

it takes forever to leave comments on here. why do u need to confirm them anyway???

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