Topic: Work in Progress
Yesterday i watched Crossroads, the Ralph Maccio movie in which Steve Vai plays all the guitar parts, and i couldn't help the urge to pick up one of my guitars which have basically strangers to me.
i started playing some real wanky Mississippi blues, the Vai-ish modalities coming from the three years of intensive classical studies inspired by Randy Rhoads' Dee. And the rust was evident, since i haven't really played in the now almost three years since my cousin got on the losing end of his battle with cancer.
No one knows the struggle to hit the right note, to "discover" an interesting riff unless they have been an aspiring musician with every thing it takes to be great but talent. No one knows WHY EminemsRevenge the "writer" must also be an at least mediocre guitar player.....
The PLAN is slowly coming together, but in a world where i-Pods are Blackberries i am constantly reminded that a prophet is not without honour except in his own country, among his own relatives, and in his own home.
So i bought some 9 volt batteries on sale at Rite Aid to put into my Epiphone, torpedoes be damned!!!