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Sunday, 30 January 2005
WHY GW isn't the second coming of Hitler
Topic: Fourth Reich Blues

In "liberal" circles, the accusation that George W. Bush is the Second Coming of Adolf Hitler has become almost passe, but is it even remotely accurate?

If you have read William L. Shirer's The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, especially the footnotes, you would realize that the homoerotic adulation that the dittoheads of the GOP lavish upon George the Second is almost a mirror image of the Nazi party's apotheosis of the Austrian colonel, but how well does our beloved little retarded Reichskanzler stack up against the original fuehrer???

Well first, let's start with the obvious---

Hitler served honourably in the army when his country was at war. GW may or may not have served in the National Guard, in an attempt to dodge serving his country during a time of war.

Hitler was a charismatic and powerful speaker. Georgie-boy has the charisma of a snake, and the speaking ability that could only gain him fame as a member of the Howard Stern whack-pack if he wasn't born George and Barbara's little boy, and if he wasn't subsequently embraced by the 'christian' Reich, he may well have been one of those homeless dudes you people avoid like the plague.

Hitler had a majority supporting him. After two elections, George the second thinks his first victory a few months ago was some sort of landslide that gave him a mandate to inflict his will and that of the cash fundamentalists upon this country. Click HERE if you don't know what a landslide in a presidential election is!!!!

Hitler was sober as a youth, and we all know the stories about Herr Bush, but recently i have learnt that auld Adolf was doing some serious drugs as he got on in age.

This brings up a serious question---Is George Bush clean and sober as he smirks around the White House??? i have noticed that no one questioned his sobriety during the infamous pretzel incident!!!!

Being an avid fan of football, i can tell you that no one watches the Super Bowl alone, unless they have to, especially a guy.

You can reasonably argue that GW may not have the guy gene because he was a cheerleader, but even a bitchboy watching the Super Bowl would want company. Reporters from the alleged media should have questioned why does a man watch a football game alone when he has a Secret Service detail that would be more than willing to sit down and watch the game with him. The whole purpose of the Super Bowl is to watch the game and talk shit to your droogs.

Having gotten drunk on many an occasion, and having eaten my fair share of pretzels...the only way i could choke on a pretzel would be if i was stoned out of my bird, and since i'm not smart enough to be the POTUS, i should hope that the current resident at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue could at least manage to chew a pretzel while watching football at the same time...this is not major multi-tasking, is it?

i am also aware of the recidivism of druggies, and while some may argue that he has Jezeus, he also has a track record of breaking 60% of the Ten Commandments, which to me is like a crackhead saying--I don't smoke crack no more, I just snort a little cocaine.

Drug abuse has a tendnecy of inducing paranoia and the auld folie de grandeur---Has anyone seen my WMDs lately?

Both men seemed to be driven by the clarion call of "Auslander Raus!"--"Out With Foreigners!"--and just as Hitler made the Japanese an exception to his Aryan philosophies, Herr Bush and company seem to have exempt the Saudis from their Deus vult jihad against Islam.

George Bush the Younger is also know for his loyalty to his friends, and those who were in Hitler's inner circle could have psalmed--What a friend we have in Adolf.

Too many people have forgotten some of the comments George the Second said while campaigning for the 2000 elections...Jews cannot go to heaven because they don't have JC as their personal lord & saviour..."If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot
easier, just so long as I'm the dictator..... heh, heh (nervous laughter)"

Not into the nation-building thing, "It is [ now ]the policy of the United States to seek and support the growth of democratic movements and institutions in every nation and culture, with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world."

Yes, i realize it is fashionable to compare GW and the dittoheads to the Nazi movement, but Amerikkka is becoming more and more like the now dissolved Soviet Union!!!

The Russia of cold war memories was a Goliath of propaganda and ideal-driven imperialism, and it was brought to its knees by rock n' roll, blue jeans, and some dude named Osama bin Laden.

While many people are cruising on post-Clinton prosperity, many more are slowly awaking to the fact that a man who trades Sammy Sosa and runs an oil company that couldn't find a drop of crude probably cannot run a country much better.

So why the great devotion to George Bush???

First off, as a First World nation we are probably the dumbest fucks on the planet..."C" students with a sense of entitlement...which is why all the goodwill 'political capital' in the aftermath of 9/11 was squandered. There is also the Santayana principle--Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

As we get daily reports that are more Vietnamesque than the war in southeast Asia, many are lulled by the limbaughistic tauntings that this is not another Vietnam, and surely it isn't. If you compare American casualties juxtaposed with the genesis of the Vietnam war, you will see that American casualties are closer to Viet Cong numbers, but all the devout Fourth Reichers will simply dismiss this as unpatriotic rhetoric.

The right to bear arms is virtually God-given, if you're white, just as the rite to free speech, if you're a cuntservative!!!

It's amazing that what Malcolm X said a little over forty years ago is probably more true today---

I'm not a politician, not even a student of politics; in fact, I'm not a student of much of anything. I'm not a Democrat. I'm not a Republican, and I don't even consider myself an American. If you and I were Americans, there'd be no problem. Those Honkies that just got off the boat, they're already Americans; Polacks are already Americans; the Italian refugees are already Americans. Everything that came out of Europe, every blue-eyed thing, is already an American. And as long as you and I have been over here, we aren't Americans yet.

Well, I am one who doesn't believe in deluding myself. I'm not going to sit at your table and watch you eat, with nothing on my plate, and call myself a diner. Sitting at the table doesn't make you a diner, unless you eat some of what's on that plate. Being here in America doesn't make you an American. Being born here in America doesn't make you an American. Why, if birth made you American, you wouldn't need any legislation; you wouldn't need any amendments to the Constitution; you wouldn't be faced with civil-rights filibustering in Washington, D.C., right now. They don't have to pass civil-rights legislation to make a Polack an American.

No, I'm not an American. I'm one of the 22 million black people who are the victims of Americanism. One of the 22 million black people who are the victims of democracy, nothing but disguised hypocrisy. So, I'm not standing here speaking to you as an American, or a patriot, or a flag-saluter, or a flag-waver -- no, not I. I'm speaking as a victim of this American system. And I see America through the eyes of the victim. I don't see any American dream; I see an American nightmare.

And to think, some people believed we averted the Y2K problem!!!

[ An almost completely unrelated aside---the photo from the top of this post was from my brother's Xanga site...in an act of total synchronicity, i discovered THAT fact when i did a google-search for the picture!!! ]

Posted by eminemsrevenge at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, 30 January 2005 10:58 AM EST

Monday, 31 January 2005 - 4:55 PM EST

Name: snugglybunnie69

just like i predicted...i couldnt keep that thing for even a month..somebody always finds it.well.. ill still come here and leave random comments :P

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