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The anti-Drudge Report
Friday, 28 January 2005

Now Playing: Lynn Samuels
Topic: Dittohead Dogma
Third Columnist Implicated with Payola Charges

By E&P Staff

Published: January 27, 2005 11:00 PM ET

NEW YORK Michael McManus, whose syndicated column, "Ethics & Religion," appears in 50 newspapers, was hired as a subcontractor by the Department of Health and Human Services to promote an administration marriage initiative, according to an article posted yesterday by Salon.com, the online magazine.

Senior writer Eric Boehlert wrote that Salon had confirmed that McManus "championed the plan in his columns without disclosing to readers he was being paid to help it succeed."

This report emerged one day after President Bush ordered his Cabinet secretaries to stop hiring commentators to help promote administration initiatives, after revelations surrounding commentators Armstrong Williams and Maggie Gallagher.

According to Salon, Dr. Wade Horn, assistant secretary for children and families at HHS, had responded to the latest report by announcing that HHS would institute a new policy that forbids the agency from hiring any outside expert or consultant who has any working affiliation with the media. "I needed to draw this bright line," Horn told Salon. "The policy is being implemented and we're moving forward."

McManus could not be reached for comment.

Horn told Salon that McManus was paid approximately $10,000 for his work as a subcontractor to the Lewin Group, which was hired by HHS to implement the Community Healthy Marriage Initiative. McManus provided training during two-day conferences in Chattanooga, Tenn., and also made presentations at HHS-sponsored conferences.

Horn said he first learned about the payment on Thursday.

"In the wake of the Gallagher story," Boehlert wrote, "he asked his staff to review all outside contracts and determine if there were any other columnists being paid by HHS. They informed him about McManus. Horn says the review for similar contracts continues."

Horn said HHS was not paying Gallagher and McManus to write about Bush administration initiatives but for their expertise as marriage advocates. "We live in a complicated world and people wear many different hats," he told Salon. "People who have expertise might also be writing columns. The line has become increasingly blurred between who's a member of the media and who is not. Thirty years ago if you were a columnist, then you were a full-time employee of a newspaper. Columnists today are different."

In 1996, McManus co-founded Marriage Savers, which, among other things, asks clergy not to conduct marriage ceremonies unless the couple has had lengthy counseling first.

E&P Staff (letters@editorandpublisher.com)
[ This story was reported on Lynn Samuels. ]

So the dittoheads keep telling us George the Second IS NOT Hitler reincarnated...but WHAT do you call a government paid press???

Posted by eminemsrevenge at 1:31 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 28 January 2005 1:35 PM EST
Sunday, 23 January 2005
Let FREEDOM ring???
Topic: Dittohead Dogma

Saudi Arabia: Flogging Used to Silence Protesters
Cancel Sentences That Violate Convention Against Torture

(New York, January 17, 2005) The Saudi government should act immediately to stop the sentence of flogging imposed on 15 anti-government protestors, Human Rights Watch said today.

For all the Saudi government's promises of reform, this sentence is a terrible disappointment. The Saudi government is flogging those who attempt to exercise the basic rights to free speech and association.

Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch

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The protestors, including one woman and two foreign nationals, were among 21 people who had been arrested following a public demonstration on December 16 in Jeddah. The protest called for an elected government, independent judiciary and a new Islamic constitution. A religious court sentenced them to a range of 100 to 250 lashes and two to six months imprisonment for taking part in demonstrations against the government.

In an unusual move, the government on January 11 publicly announced the sentence. Previously protestors and political dissidents have been sentenced to jail terms and fines, but not flogging. When religious courts have handed down flogging sentences, it has usually been for morals offenses such as adultery, and the government has not taken the step of publicly announcing the sentence.

"For all the Saudi government's promises of reform, this sentence is a terrible disappointment," said Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East director at Human Rights Watch. "The Saudi government is flogging those who attempt to exercise the basic rights to free speech and association."

Posted by eminemsrevenge at 6:18 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 23 January 2005 6:25 PM EST
Sunday, 16 January 2005
Topic: Dittohead Dogma

John F. Kennedy had challenged my generation and the one before it to reach for the stars, yet as i read the morning paper the reports of what is happenint on Titan is coming from Europe.

What is further disheartening is the $500 million Europe spent on this mission to further the knowledge of mankind Whilst Bush & company squanders $177 million A DAY and countless lives in Iraq!!!

Is THIS the American dream???!!!!

Posted by eminemsrevenge at 11:56 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, 16 January 2005 12:07 PM EST
Tuesday, 11 January 2005
Amerikkka on Trial???
Topic: Dittohead Dogma
Link to Photo Album Iraqi Prisoner Abuse From the Drudge Report---
"Don't cheerleaders all over America form pyramids six to eight times a year. Is that torture?" Guy Womack, Graner's attorney, said in opening arguments to the 10-member U.S. military jury at the reservist's court-martial.
( This is excerpted from an article in *my way.*)

To comment on this would be superfluous.

Photos from the Memory Hole.(Click Iraqi Prisoner Abuse above to see them).

Posted by eminemsrevenge at 9:12 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 11 January 2005 10:27 AM EST
The Limbaugh Manifesto
Topic: Dittohead Dogma

Well Uncommonly Stupid, I just happen to have a copy of Marx's Communist Manifesto. From what I can see, Social Security fits perfectly into his ten point plan.

Item 2: A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
Item 3: Abolition of all rights of inheritance.
Item 5: Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.
Item 8: Equal liability of all to labor.
Item 10: Free education for all children in public schools.

I threw in Item 10, because you are obviously a product of it. You get what you pay for.

Posted by ray at January 9, 2005
[ From the comment section at ANOTHER site cognizant of the FIRST Amendment!!!]

It amazes me to no end how the dittoheads of Amerikkka can always invoke that old bugaboo...COMMUNISM...in their Gefahrliche Politische Brandstiftungim against anyone who wants to excercise, or should i say "exorcise," the verboten practice of FREE speech!!!

IF i recollect correctly, communism was somethang GOOD "christians" practiced in memory of that uppity Jew the Romans NAILED to a cross???!!!! The poor will always be with us was an OBSERVATION and NOT a commandment from what i have divined from the bible...but with only THREE years of Catholic school and the rest of my strife a Jude Fawley at "scowlership" whilst attending some of the lesser public schools of New York City, i guess i may be a bit too DENSE to comprehend some of the FINER points of the dittohead dogma of the Rush Limbaugh generation.

Item 2: A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
From the intellectually decimated classrooms of my late-Sixties early-Seventies public school chilehood i was mistakenly led to believe that the 'progressive or graduated' income taxes were usually a result of a Democrat going to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue after a Republiscum resided there for at least four years. From MY OWN understanding, the Republiscum Party has never won a war since the Civil War, and from my pedestrian understanding of economics, TAXES are usually what one has to invoke in order to PAY for the chickenhawk excesses of cheerleader politicians!!!

Bill Clinton, the GREATEST REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT since Nixon, was able to make the Amerikkklan economy soar by using a sensible plan of taxation to bolster a nose-diving economy under the auspices of auld Satan himself, Ronald(6) Wilson(6) Reagan(6)!!!

Item 3: Abolition of all rights of inheritance.
Your average dittohead thinks they will become a multi-millionaire just because they vote Republiscum!!! The avaricious dot.com nouveau riche saw a Dow at 50,000...and they NOW see GW taking them to the Promised Land that only Bill Clinton could see from the mountaintop!!!!

Bill Gates SENIOR, Warren Buffet, and those who have had money for some time were vociferously opposed to the abolition of the inheritance tax, not the abolition of inheritance.

But of course...if Rush Limbaugh says it's so, it must be so???

Item 5: Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly
Have you really looked at your bank statement lately???

Item 8: Equal liability of all to labor.
Totally meaningless, but what is meant here is---
Equal liability of all to labour. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.

Like a certain history major in D.C., some people are incognizant of the facts of life during the lifetime of Karl Marx.

During the Industrial Revolution, the denizens of rural England found themselves on the outside of the dot.com boom of their time, much like the migrant Mexican workers now forced to LIVE in this cuntry because of Amerikkka's post-9/11 paranoia and pre-World Trade Center xenophobia!!!

Equal liability of all to labour MEANS that everybody should be gainfully employed. Rush and the savage nation of dittoheads who take his every verbal fart for gospel think this entails the subjugation of a welfare recipient's 13th Amendment rights because the majority of people on welfare are niggers and Mexicans despite the statistics U.S. Department of Health and Human Services!!!!

Item 10: Free education for all children in public schools.

I threw in Item 10, because you are obviously a product of it.

From the alumni site of ONE of NYC's PUBLIC colleges---

Nobel Prize winners

Julius Axelrod, '33
Shared the 1970 Nobel Prize in Medicine with Sir Bernard Katz and Ulf Von Euler for their discoveries concerning the humoral transmittors in the nerve terminals and the mechanism for their storage, release and inactivation.

Arthur Kornberg, '37
Shared the 1959 Nobel Prize in Medicine with Severo Ochoa for their discovery of the mechanisms in the biological synthesis of ribonucleic acid and deoxiribonucleic acid. Stanford page

Jerome Karle, '37
Shared the 1985 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Herbert A. Hauptman for their outstanding achievements in the development of direct methods for the determination of crystal structures.

Leon M. Lederman, '43
Shared the 1988 Nobel Prize in Physics with Melvin Schwartz and Jack Steinberger for the neutrino beam method and the demonstration of the doublet structure of the leptons through the discovery of the muon neutrino.

In addition, Solomon Berson, '38, would probably have shared the 1977 nobel prize in Physiology and Medicine with his collaborator Rosalyn Yalow , had he not died in 1972.

Yeah...public schools ARE the bane to white supremacist thinking!!!!!!

***Some research for this post provided by maralite.

Posted by eminemsrevenge at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 10 January 2005 11:54 PM EST
Monday, 10 January 2005
Just in case you're a terrorist and don't know what to do.....
Topic: Dittohead Dogma
i suppose it was a repeat on 60 Minutes last night, but what i saw was disturbing.

i grew up in Rockaway, N.Y. along the landing path to JFK International Airport, and when we were kids we used to play in "the weeds," which was a combination of coastal marsh grasses and some indigenous trees. Howard Beach and Broad Channel are also along this path, and they too have "the weeds" of my youth, Broad Channel has miles of it, since it has always been underdeveloped and is now a part of Gateway National Park.

Once, somebody got an air rifle for their birthday, and we decided to shoot after planes.

WHY we wanted to shoot at planes escapes me now, it's just something pre-adolescent boys in the late Sixties were prone to do, i guess. Anyway, we'd take turns trying to hit a plane, but this game did not last long because fortunately a cop rolled up on us and shouted--WHAT ARE YOU KIDS FUCKIN' CRAZY???!!!!--and in Rockaway New Yawk...if a fucking Irish cop asks you THIS and he's beet-red from anger or drink, you're pretty much assured of an asswhipping.

Instead of getting an asskicking though, we got a fevered lecture. He told us that we could have brought the plane down and killed a lot of people, something you don't think of when you're nine or ten. Of course, with little knuckleheads like us, he had to take the air gun to make sure we learnt a lesson...after he drove off we discussed amongst ourselves whether or not what he told us was bullshit, the consensus was that he WAS telling the truth.

On the 60 Minutes segment last night there were some Limbaughistic latent-in-denial bitchboys who said all the things that dittoheads are wont to say when confronted with facts, basically that the naysayers and critics are hoping for a catastrophe to justify their theories, but if a cop is telling kids 30 YEARS BEFORE 9/11 not to shoot at planes with a BB-gun!!! how can the CEO of a major gun manufacturer bare-facedly LIE on television, and have half the savage nation believing him???

The only thing a .50 caliber sniper rifle is good for is killing some niggers, a lot of niggers.

The NRA and the Reich-wing Republiscum are not known for their nigger-loving philosophies, as their clarion calls to war and opposition to the anti-apartheid reparative policies of affirmative action clearly demonstrates. Yes, these are the ones who NEVER use the "N" word, yet every thing they stand for points to the Vernichtung of people of colour, as their "Auslander Raus!" caoine cries against Mexicans attest.

Charles Manson formed a "family" based on the helter skelter philosophy that Blacks would rise up and decimate the white "race," and this is the fear that permeates the calls you hear on the Rush Limbaugh show. Amerikkka is fully cognizant that their white "superiority" is a thing of the past, they have been aware of it since the police action in Korea, the point was driven home during their support of French imperialism during Vietnam. The cuntry is now divided as Amerikkka pursues a manifest destiny in Iraq, bringing "democracy" to the world whilst their democratic policies at home are questionable as far as the world is concerned!!!

So exactly what are the merits of the .50 caliber rifles, and why do we need them???

We are told that they are used for "target practice" and "big game hunting"!

Since the average penis size in Amerikkka is six inches, someone has to be bringing that average down...and i sorely suspect that it is the melaninly impaired that is bringing the average down. "Target practice" therefore becomes a code word for the penis envy of the typical Amerikkklan male, and the .50 caliber rifles fuel Rambo-esque fantasies that klansmen, neo-nazis, and dittoheads use to fuel their fantasies of being the well endowed men they see in porn videos.

The arguement for "big game hunting" is preposterous.

In the 60 Minutes repeat they pointed out that the .50 caliber rifle can shoot through steel at 300 yards, a distance of THREE football fields!!! Since the brontosaurus and mastodon are EXTINCT as of this writing, what "big game" do they have in mind...and where is the "sport" in it???

IF i go rabbit hunting with a hydrogen bomb, i'm sure i'll kill a few rabbits!!!

At the turn of the last century, cocaine was legal. THEN they found out that all the little Black boys were snorting it and getting high almost for free since it was THAT CHEAP, and all of a sudden coke was illegal. Give every Black and Mexican in this cuntry a voucher for a free .50 caliber rifle and we will see how long it takes for the NRA to join the gun-control lobby. Niggers & Chicanos with the ability to take out a cracker from 300 yards is a GOOD advertisement for gun control, n'est pas???

i can agree with the dittoheads on one thing though--the media is giving terrorists TOO MANY ideas!!!

Immeadiately following the September 11th Shoah the Amerikkklan media were quick to point out that the terrorists MISSED the Indian Point nuclear reactor, and the repeat of the 60 Minutes episode about .50 caliber rifles being able to take down airplanes is the kind of sensational "journalism" that can only produce ANOTHER Shoah!!!!

In Nassau County, right outside of NYC, you can purchase a rifle with only a drivers licence. To repeat a story like this on CBS is an irresponsible act. And i CAN agree with the dittoheads in their anger against Arnold Schwarzenegger banning the .50 caliber...instead he should have given one to every Californian of age, that way the NEXT gubernatorial recall will be a TOTAL RECALL!!!

Posted by eminemsrevenge at 10:34 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 11 January 2005 2:07 PM EST

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